Regulations on Research Performance Fellowships for AS-TIGP Ph.D. Students (Pilot Program)
Promulgated on November 26th, 2019 at the 1012th Executive Meeting
Amended on January 21st, 2020 at the 1014th Executive Meeting
Amended and adopted on February 23rd, 2021 at the 1033th Executive Meeting
Article 1: Objectives
Academia Sinica’s missions include enhancing the international competitiveness of its TIGP program, cultivating research talent, and rewarding Ph.D. students in this program who achieve outstanding research work. The programs and regulations below have been established to promote this end.
Article 2: Eligibility
Full-time TIGP Ph.D. candidates or students who have passed their qualifying exams with distinction are eligible to apply. During the award period, advisors and/or co-advisors will provide at least NT$34,000 per month.
Article 3: Fellowship Amounts
(1) Presidential Fellowship awardees can receive an additional NT$16,000 per month for one year.
(2) Research Performance Fellowship awardees can receive an additional NT$6,000 per month for one year.
The above awards should be calculated for each fiscal year (January to December) and administered in accordance with Academia Sinica Fellowship Regulations.
Article 4: Number of Awardees
- Presidential Fellowship: A maximum of 4 awardees per year.
- Research Performance Fellowship: A maximum of 40 awardees per year.
Article 5: Application Procedure
The AS Department of International Affairs will issue a call for applications once a year and announce the submission deadline. Eligible applicants must submit the following documents to their respective TIGP programs, which will then submit received applications to the Department of International Affairs:
1. Application Form
2. Two Letters of Recommendation (one required from the advisor)
Article 6: Selection Procedure
Each TIGP program should conduct a preliminary review and submit no more than the top 20% of its eligible applicants to the Department of International Affairs. A second round review will be conducted by the Department of International Affairs and Central Academic Advisory Committee, with the list of awardees forwarded to the President for approval. Top awardees will subsequently compete for Presidential Fellowship through interviews and oral presentations. All fellowship awardees will be informed in writing.
Article 7: Suspension of Fellowship
If an awardee leaves the TIGP program due to graduation, dropping out, or temporary leave of absence, his or her fellowship will be suspended from the subsequent month after the event. The awardee may receive the rest of the fellowship upon resuming the program and with the approval of Academia Sinica.
Article 8: Ethical Conduct
Should an awardee be involved in a violation of academic ethics, his or her case will be processed according to the “Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of Ethics Committees at All Levels, Academia Sinica.”